Sunday, November 11, 2018


You there?

I may or may not have just Googled, "Is blogger still a thing?"  I guess it's still going.....but possibly not the most popular blogging platform anymore.

Anyway, here we are. 

First--Thanks a whole, whole bunch to those of you who have pestered  said to me over the past five years or so, "Are you gonna keep posting on your blog?"  I knew I'd be back eventually.  Eventually turned out to be quite a long time. Thanks for your encouragement and kind elbow nudges to get back to this.

Second--I plan to post here often-ish. So, check in whenever you get a hankerin' to know what's happenin' in our corner of the world.

And, Third--This will be what it's always been--updates on our family mixed in with thoughts and stirrings of my heart, most of which are still in the process of being sorted out. (Read: I'm not getting it all polished before I click "Publish")

Glad you're here. Pour yourself a cuppa coffee. And by coffee I mean, any beverage of your choosing. :)   Thanks for stopping by and stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Glad that your back and I will be watching anxiously for every update. Love you, Dad



You there? I may or may not have just Googled, "Is blogger still a thing?"  I guess it's still going.....but possibly not th...