Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Give Thanks

"Give thanks in all circumstances for this is God's will for you in Jesus Christ." I Thessalonians 5:18

Love this little video...Reminds me a lot of what I've been thinking about lately. I have SO much to be thankful for this year. So many good things have happened in our lives lately. And I'm thankful for them. I can truly say that I also thank God for the nightmarish days we were living this time last year. Seizure-ridden. Zero answers from the doctors. A very uncertain future. I can thank God for those horrible NICU days when it seemed nothing was going the way it should and we were scared about what tomorrow might bring. I'm thankful for these "temporary" sufferings because they opened my eyes and heart to God's true character. They allowed us to be close....so close to our Father. I really believe there's a fellowship with Him that we enjoy during our suffering that we don't at other times. The difficult times allowed us to see each other's strength....our fighting spirits, our enduring faith, our perseverance. They allowed us to come face to face with our weakness. For when you are weak, then He is strong.

I stop and I say Thank You. For Everything. For Every Circumstance. Thank You.

Give Thanks from Element Church on Vimeo.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


My normally very good eater is on strike.

So, I've learned to ask what he wants before I get the food all ready and he just sits and stares at it. Almost always, he'll tell me what he wants and it's usually something I can live with.

This is the conversation I'm having right now.....

"Caleb, you want an egg?


"Do you want some soup?"


"Some cereal?"


"A pear?"


"Some cheese?"


"Well, what do you want to eat for dinner, Caleb?"

'UUUUUhhhhmmmm, let's seeeeee..' followed by silence.

(( Sigh )) I heart the terrific twos. smile.


You there? I may or may not have just Googled, "Is blogger still a thing?"  I guess it's still going.....but possibly not th...